art.EXC3BSE017234R1 - Millmate Controller 400W | Quad Industry GmbH

Артикул: EXC3BSE017234R1
Наименование: Millmate Controller 400W
Производитель: ABB

PDAA 401

General Information

  • Global Commercial Alias:
    PDAA 401
  • Product ID:
  • ABB Type Designation:
    PDAA 401 Exchange
  • Catalog Description:
    Millmate Controller 400W


  • Technical Information:
    PDAA 401 Control Unit Exchange
    Note! The replaced part with RMA to be returned
    according to T<(>&<)>C otherwise an extra charge will be required.
    See spare fuse 2 A 3BSC770001R17

    and backup battery 3BSC790006R1

    Power 4 pos screw terminal 2664197-4

    3 pos screw terminal 2664177-3

    4 pos screw terminal 2664177-4

    2 pos screw terminal 2664177-2


  • Product Net Weight:
    5 kg


  • Country of Origin:
    United States (US)
    Sweden (SE)
  • Customs Tariff Number:


  • Parts & Services >> Control Systems >> FM
  • Parts & Services >> Measurement and Analytics >> Force Measurement >> Pressductor Weighing

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